Hi, I'm Alexis Quintuña

Developer + Designer, located in Columbus, OH.

Who is this guy?

Hello, my name is Alexis but I go with anything that pretty much sounds like my name. My interest in web development didn't start till late 2020. I love to create ideas and make them come to life. With web development this is only a stepping a stone the mind is wondeful thing and I can't just wait till I learn more so I can do more.

This is where im at now trying to expand my knowldege and do better.

Here are some skills and technologies I have aquiered and currently practicing.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React
  • Python
  • NodeJS / NextJS
  • FireBase / MongoDB
  • VS CODE / Figma

Projects that kickstarted this new thing


FCC Tribute Page

FCC Survey

FCC Survey

FCC Product Landing Page

FCC Documentation

Click Me || Alright lets get to the real work || Click Me

Let's bring those ideas to life!

something clever so it doesn't look empty

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